Review on Deep Cleansing shampoo and Conditioner

Hey guys,

Am back again with another review with Shea Moisture with product of Dry and Itchy scalp line. I tryout this last few month a back. When I tryout the product out with my hair it made my hair feel kinda okay with using it. In fact I wouldn’t recommend for using it not for everyday use but only when you starting feel your hair itchy or dry at that moment. I had started using this when my hair feeling really itchy so washed my hair as use do. In the product does for your hair is to relief your hair from being so itchy and dry. In fact  I really love using this product I wouldn’t use everyday use but maybe once a month. Until don’t feeling my hair itchy. How many stars that I would give this product is four out of five stars.  Would remand this product to anyone that is starting a natural journey to use this for their hair if itchy or dry to use this product.

Hopefully this review on this product is helpful for you guys. Good luck on your hair journey if you had started this year even before then.  Going busy next month hopeful with beauty school diaries that you get following on be look out pictures on my Instagram, Facebook page, and my personal Facebook profile.  So am going have a notebook journal with me writing down ideas for this blog. Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your families and friends.

God Bless and take care.


Inner Beauty Diva